Sunday, August 05, 2007

First Day in D.C.

Well I finally made it!!! What was supposed to be 5 hour trip turned into a 10 hour trip and I didn't think I was ever going to get here. My flight out of XNA got cancelled b/c the flight before us had to take our plane b/c their's was damaged. NICE. Instead of waiting in the long line at the ticket counter, I called the air lines on my cell phone and got on the next flight out of XNA at 4:15 (mine was supposed to leave at 12:35). Its a good thing that I called because when the 4th person in front of me finally got to the counter, the next plane was booked! So, I spent from 11:30 until 4:00 in the XNA airport. That was REAL cool. But in between all that, I couldn't get a hold of my husband and I didn't know why. Turns out that his phone, wallet, and keys were stolen in Wal Mart!!!! But thank God after like an hour a cashier randomly found his stuff in another cart across the store. Nothing was taken from his wallet and his phone and keys were with it too. WEIRD. But we were both panicking!!! So I arrived in DC around 10:00 PM. My sister and I have this funny thing where we call each other MILDRED when we are in front of strangers. It's ok if you don't think this is funny...but I promise it's HILARIOUS!! She made a sign that said "Mildred Anderson" and was holding it up when I was coming from the plane. HA. She got me good.
Today we went to churc at National Community Church. It is a church with three locations and the one we met in was in a movie theatre. It was really neat and the service was awesome! Plus, the seats were WAY comfy!!!! Then we went and ate at GUAPOS mexican restaurant. Very good. And tonight we are going to see the BOURNE SUPREMACY. Here are some pics from today:

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