Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Whats Been Happening

We celebrated Brian's birthday a couple of weeks ago. It was such a success! We went to see the movie, "21" (black jack movie)then he went to AT&T to buy an Iphone with all of his birthday money. Then we met a bunch of friends at Powerhouse for his birthday dinner. It was a success and he LOVES his phone. He totally deserves it! He never buys anything for himself and has never had a nice phone. I have threatened him with his life if he drops/loses/gets it stolen, etc.

I think we are going next month to visit my grandparents in Louisiana. Of course they are getting up there in age and I hate that I only see them at major family events. We realized at my sister's wedding that they would not be traveling again for a long time. It's just really too hard for them. And I don't want to have any regrets about not visiting them more later on in life.

Moses is having issues. Apparently, he is having allergies associated with Springtime. I pretty much think that is the most ridiculous thing ever, I mean how can a dog be allergic to being outside?? It's a DOG!!! He has to go in on Saturday for some routine shots and the Vet is going to see what else she can do. The poor dog is so miserable, constantly scratching his belly and licking and biting at his feet. I have actually been giving him benadryl but I think he has become immune to it b/c it no longer phases him. I even bought medicated moisturizing shampoo and it doesn't help much either. Here is the article I read that convinced me it was allergies. I really do feel bad for the little guy. Hopefully they will have something for him on Saturday.

We had a new couple at our life group tonight. They were really fun and sweet. There is another new couple that is supposed to be coming next time and we are having dinner with them on Saturday so we are excited about that. I love seeing new faces and meeting new people!!

Adding flood insurance to our Homeowner's policy tomorrow after that last fiasco. Hopefully it won't rain too hard tonight. I can't handle all that stress again.

I think that is about all that is going on. Oh, 3 weeks until Brian graduates!!! whoot whoot!!!

Happy Thursday!!!! =)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Sounds like everything is going well! Zoe also has allergies - we give her benadryl and the vet recommended an oatmeal shampoo. She still itches from time to time, but I can tell it has helped her skin. Have a great weekend!