Somehow Brian always out-does himself each birthday. Last year he sent me on a scavanger-hunt shopping spree. This year he (with the help of Lauren) got my sis to come down for my b-day and he got me and my friends a hotel room to stay in for the night. Then we went shopping all day Sat! First, we started out with dinner at Carrabas. YUM!
This is us on the way to Carrabas--Brian being a very careful driver/picture taker! lol!
Brock and Lauren.jpg)
Amanda and I--she is my fellow coffee drinker in crime!
Us eating and yes, we did end up matching that! Carrabas has the best coffee by the way! .jpg)
Brittany and TJ--so cute!.jpg)
Lauren excited about my birthday =) P.S. she got me the yummiest b-day cake even though we forgot to take a pic!
Amanda and I--she is my fellow coffee drinker in crime!
This is us at the hotel room--our first attempt to take a picture on the timer, you can see we weren't quite ready! ha! Actually, I guess it was just Kelly and I who weren't ready!
Cute pic! Thanks girls for coming, I had such a great birthday! =)
Me and my Beautiful Sis!
Her cute bug car!
Her cute bug car!
Us hitting the mall the next morning..we were BUSY and got some great deals!!!
Later that night we went out to Dixon to Jose's to eat some yummy Mexican Food!
at Jose's
me and neener (nick name)
yummy chips and salsa!
Thanks hunny for a wonderful birthday! It was awesome and I was so surprised! Thanks to Lauren for helping him scheme and BIG THANKS to Meg for coming down for it! Thanks to all my wonderful girlfriends (and a few husbands! lol!) for helping me celebrate! Can't wait for next year =) lol!
1 comment:
I was just reading your last two blogs and couldn't help but notice that you said Carrabas had the "best" Coffee and then said that Common Grounds had the "Best" coffee. Which is it, I need to know? :)
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