Thursday, March 22, 2007

Meg's Visit

Meg came to visit us last weekend! It was kinda an impromptu (sp) visit and it was a blast!!! She got here on Friday night and we hung out at the house and made lemon pepper chicken, mac and cheese, and corn. It was SCRUMPTIOUS! We love mac and cheese! The lemon pepper chicken rocked too! I almost drug her out of bed at 5:30 am to go garage sale shopping but thought twice and let her sleep! So we ended up making breakfast and meeting up with Genessa and Kara to go shopping at the Promenade. She found a super cute graduation dress and we both bought swimsuits. I know it seems kind of early to be shopping for swimsuits but have you ever waited till like July to buy a swimsuit?? NOT HAPPENING! I learned that last year! Plus, it was on sale! Then we came home and made Pizzas (Did I mention we love to eat?!?). Those were wonderful too! Luckily, it was my week off for working at church so we slept in and went to the late service. Then (once again) we Madame Woos in Fayetteville. Let me just tell you if you have never been there, you are really missing out--it is Fabulous! Especially if you cannot afford PF Changs..haha. She cheered me on at my last soccer game and then went home. Thanks for coming Meg..your the best!!

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