Not much new this week. Just more of the same!!! We had a great turnout on Wed night at our StreamLine life group. We brought Moses and he was a big hit (yes, we realize that very soon we WILL start having to leave him at home....
=( sadness! ) He's been doing really well. He got his second booster shot on Saturday and he weighs 6.7 lbs. He sometimes is a stinker at night and really frustrates me!! But we love em! My mom is super cute and sent him a little package in the mail---a bone, rope, and some tennis balls. There are some pics of him playing with his new rope. Did I mention that the little sucker is so stinkin fast??? Its NOT COOL when its 5:00 am and I'm having to take him out to go to the bathroom and I'm in my pajamas and slippers and he won't come back inside and he thinks I'm playing as he runs away from me!!! Esp when it is COLD! AND it is still dark outside and I can't see him b/c he is so dark! I'm SO ready for him to learn and understand what I'm saying. Its a good thing that he is SO ADORABLE! Thats about it! Have a good week all!
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