Things have been super busy over here! Brian has been working really hard doing the bazillion things on his plate. I have been working, taking care of our child (haha!), trying to keep our house in order, and doing random things that we never seem to get done! My sis is getting married this weekend so I'm pretty excited about seeing my whole extended family! Some of them I haven't seen since my wedding! We had a really nice weekend, I actually got my hair cut =) I went to the John Clark Salon in Springdale and Kim cut my hair. She was super nice and did a good job. I recommend her! Today I went and worked out at the HPER instead of going to group exercise classes. After I did some cardio I headed over to the weight machines and let me tell you how embarrassing it is to not know how to operate the machines!!!!! Apparently they got all new machines in there not too long ago and so when I went today, I had no idea where things were or how to use this particular one:

(i met him at the gym..haha..just kidding!)
I tried for a few minutes to adjust the height..couldn't figure it out and couldn't bend forward at all, so I left that one, then I saw this girl about my size using the machine and so i went over there right after she was done and tried to do what she was doing. Still couldn't bend over and it was on the lowest weigh--20 lbs. I thought surely I'm missing something important!!!!! NOPE turns out that Michelle is just that much of a weanie!!!! I had to leave the stinkin machine b/c I couldn't even do the lightest weight! Pathetic. I think I have a lot of work to do before I am strong! =)
Anyways...that was very random! All is good over here...and I will take lots of pics of the wedding this weekend! love you all!!!! M&B

(us last year at a razorback game)