Had a really great weekend!!! Friday night I went to the Mountie football game with the Mincks fam while Brian coached. The rain held off and we had a great time! I've decided that kids can be really entertaining! Then on Saturday, well, the only bad part of my weekend: I was so excited about getting a haircut b/c I really needed one and I made an appointment for 11:00 am on Sat. at the place I went to last time. I get here about 10 min till. Around 11:10 this girl asked me if I had an appointment and I said yes, with Whitney at 11:00. Then around 11:25 I'm officially very annoyed b/c I'm still sitting there and no one has let me know whats going on or how long its going to be. So UNPROFESSIONAL!!!! Then I decided the girl had 3 minutes to redeem herself and I was out of there. So I ended up just walking out. Didn't even tell anyone...decided that they could figure it out! I was so mad! I might give them a call on Monday and let them know. So now I'm back to square one with finding someone to cut my hair. There is a woman I absolutely love in Rogers but I just don't want to drive that far now that we are in Farmington....but at least she wouldn't leave me hanging!!! Anyways! The moral is...don't go to the "Kutting Krew" in Farmington. They STINK! Then we tooke Moses to the VET for a routine shot later that afternoon. Then we got all pretty and met some new friends for dinner and then met up with Brock and Lauren later and stayed at their house WAY TOO LATE! Church was awesome this morning. It was so amazing to have our own place and not have to set up or tear down. PC preached a great message! Then we went to Las Fajitas with the Krouts, Crows, and the Wilsons and ate WAY TOO MUCH!!!! Lost the soccer game today. Hasn't been a great season =( But thats ok!!! and the countdown to meg's wedding is 1 week 6 days!!! ahhhh! My lil' sis is getting hitched!!!! can't believe it!!!!!!!!!! =) This is kind of a run-on random blog so sorry if your bored! Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure! haha! Us before we went out on Friday night and got soaked! I kept trying to take pics of me and Moses but he wouldn't stay still!!!
i really like how you had your hair on sunday and in these pictures. SPEAKING OF, do you cut hair? b/c sandy remembers brain saying you went to beauty school? i didn't know that...i want to find a friend to trim my hair just this once...nothing tricky! just a trim! las fajitas was DELICIOUS. we will go there again for sure. and PC's message was great sunday, we took a on of notes! don't think we won't have rex putting his bike up 20 times when he's a little bigger;-) good stuff!
1 comment:
i really like how you had your hair on sunday and in these pictures. SPEAKING OF, do you cut hair? b/c sandy remembers brain saying you went to beauty school? i didn't know that...i want to find a friend to trim my hair just this once...nothing tricky! just a trim!
las fajitas was DELICIOUS. we will go there again for sure. and PC's message was great sunday, we took a on of notes! don't think we won't have rex putting his bike up 20 times when he's a little bigger;-) good stuff!
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