I'm in love! FYI (this is brian) It's Wednesday night and I am sitting alone doing my homework. The saddest part of about it is not the homework, but rather the being alone part that is tragic. My wonderful, amazing, gorgeous wife is out of town. I think even Moses has had a rough night not having his mom around. My wife is the key to making this family function and when she is not around things seem to fall apart. To tell on myself, the last time Michelle left me alone for a weekend the only thing I ate all weekend was scrambled eggs. She is the reason that I am able to go for all the things I am passionate about. She is the most selfless person I know. She has two full time jobs. Her jobs are working at the UofA and the second is taking care of me. God has given me someone who makes all my dreams come true! Today is her 25th birthday and I wanted to take this time to let her know how much she means to me (and to Moses). She always laughs at you and makes you feel funny even if you really aren't, She gives of her time even if she doesn't have it, She gives her heart unconditionally even if you don't deserve it. She is the funnest person I have ever been around and she's my best friend. I knew I had something special from our first date on the Putt-Putt course when she whooped my tail. Every day has been better than the last and I wouldn't trade a day in my life with my wifey. WoW! Watta Woman.