Saturday, October 13, 2007

SO....I'm Ready For Basketball Season.

Tonight's game was pretty much the worse game ever. I think it was worse than getting beat by 30 points. We actually LEFT EARLY. In the entire history of going to Razorback games with my hubby we have NEVER left early. Not even when we were killing a team. I knew it was a really bad game when he suggested we leave. I really think that Coach Nutt might be in some big trouble. I do feel so bad for D-Mac. Good news is---basketball tickets go on sale MONDAY! I'll be there at lunch! PEACE!


kellyk said...

we love basketball season, and the football games have kev totally depressed. we need to go to some bball games together! my dad occassionally gets extra tickets he gives us.

Anonymous said...

Kind of like our soccer games...just kidding. I was screaming like crazy and running around the house with Dorian when we scored that touchdown...then the heartbreak.

Karen w.