I forgot to let everyone know that Moses' jumping problem is solved! We tried many different methods but in the end guess what worked? Good old-fashioned SPANKING! HA! And saying, "NO JUMP" in a very firm, authoritative voice. It literally took like 4 days and he was trained not to jump on people. We got to test our training this past weekend when Brian's family came into town. He didn't jump on any of them! When I come home from work, I act super super excited and talk in this ridiculously high pitched voice to get him super hyped up to see if he will jump. Still hasn't jumped. It cracks me up that we have could have taken care of this a long time ago this easily but never knew it. I also tested him with our neighbor kid, Billy. He is about 7 or 8 and short so a couple of days ago I had him come in the yard to play with Moses. Moses behaved very nicely and didn't jump on him once. I do remind him sometimes and say "no jump" when people come around just in case. I went to Wal Mart tonight and bought one of these:

It is a "no pull harness" and is supposed to work much better than just a collar. He used to be a really good walker but in the last couple of weeks he has been trying to wander and go up to fences and egg on the other dogs. And try to run with them and sniff them through the fences. He would end up choking through half of the walk and my arm, hand, and wrist would be killing me when we got home. That sucker is strong! So, I picked one of those up and I tried to test it out tonight but it was already dark and no dogs were out and it was about to rain. I can tell that it will work out a lot better though. He WILL be a good walker again! =) Good Night!
it is hard to spank your kid for the first time;-) HA!
good to hear he is not jumping. I have some tips for getting him to walk on a leash but I would have to show you.
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