The good is that they have totaled our car. This means we are allowed now to get another car. (Thanks goodness, but I do love taking my wife to work, then picking her up from lunch, taking her back to work thirty minutes later, then picking her up from work.) What good husband wouldn't love that! She is amazing!!!

This would be a great opportunity because it would allow me to coach Football at any school in the district.
The school is connected to the city facilities so I would get to use them everyday. (That includes a Softball field, volleyball court, tennis court, track, fields, full size gym, and more) We haven't heard anything back yet but hopefully soon.
Our adjuster would not call us back so we had no clue what was going on with the wreck. So I called, and I called, and I called, still calling. Voice mail every time. I tried to go over her head, but her manager was on vacation for two weeks. Yesterday morning she called back (after I spoke to a manager and told me she was trying to get a statement from the other driver! WHAT YOUR KIDDING ME. It has been ten days since the accident and you haven't gotten a statement yet. I thought to myself,
"WHO do you WORK for?
She also told me our case was a typical he said, she said case. NO IT'S NOT!
Finally I got a hold of someone and they switched our adjuster immediately. This new woman has been really good and believes they should be 100% liable. She was hardcore and awesome, because she was like, "We'll go to arbitration if we have to." I said go gettem girl.
Then we find out later yesterday they are trying to hold us liable because one of the girls (who was walking around after the accident and wasn't close to getting hit at any point during the wreck) said she now has a broken leg???? The funny thing is our cousin saw both the girls later that day after the wreck out on the lake partying it up. (Broken leg my butt)
Ok nuff stuff about that. I do believe that God has got something awesome that will come out of this whole thing. I haven't figured out what it is yet but I know he has the best plans mapped out for us!
Jeremiah 29:11
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