Our adventure trying to find another car for me (michelle) has not really been that enjoyable. Over the past few weekends we have visited pretty much every dealership in NW AR. We have test drove both used and new cars. Our goal was something with LOW miles b/c we plan on keeping this vehicle for a LONG time. I don't think we realized just how good of gas mileage our poor totaled Civic got until we started comparing it to other vehicles. Our favorite vehicles that we test drove were: Mazda CX7, Honda CRV, Toyota RAV, Honda Accord, and Mitsubishi Outlander. We were really thinking of getting a cross-over car BUT when it came down to it, couldn't deal with the gas mileage. Although, the Honda CRV gets 30 mpg highway miles, which is awesome for a small SUV, but too pricy for us! SO, after all that we decide that we just want our CIVIC back. So we start the hunt for used civics. NADA. NOWHERE. Apparentley, everyone in NWA has decided to start driving civics. So, we start looking at the 2008 Civics at the Honda place. They don't have ANY out on the floor (apparently, they sell out as soon as they put them on the lot), the salesman finds 4 that were just delivered in the fenced lot behind the drive-in in Fayetteville. SWEET. They even have a black one, this is going to be like old times! Brian goes to wheel-n-deal them, won't come down a DIME! They seriously want us to pay sticker price for a brand-new car. They tell us that they will sell these tomorrow (saturday) for sticker price. SURE you will. We walk away. We go back by there the next night, sold 2 of the 4 they just got in. OK, so maybe they are right. But we still REFUSE to pay sticker price. Meanwhile, my mom and dad are driving home and decide to stop by the Honda place in Washington D.C. My dad goes in to talk to someone and gets them down $3000, with a ridiculously awesome interest rate. I mean seriously, hardly paying any interest. So, with all that, here is my beautiful new ride:

2008 Honda Civic EX (that means sunroof!) whoohoo! Atomic Blue. It has 4 miles on it! I'm so excited and I just pray no more accidents and that I have this car until we have too many kids to put in it! =) Then maybe I'll give it to my hubby =) Brian is flying on Monday to go get it and drive it back. Found a super cheap one-way ticket for $125!!! That was a blessing too! So we are just glad that we found a good deal and saved ourselves some major mulah! With gas being the way it is---you can't beat a civic! I had my first chiropracter appointment today. I have never been and was a little freaked out to get adjusted but it wasn't bad at all. I feel a little better already. I go back tomorrow. She said that my neck is pretty messed up. Its supposed to curve a certain way, mine is straight and slightly curved the opposite way. Plus, my lower spine is not aligning up either. I'll be glad when I get back to normal =) All of this has kept me from running b/c my neck and back would hurt so bad when I would try to run. I'm pretty sad that I haven't gotten to run in over 3 weeks, and I was just starting to shave time off too! So, I'm ready to get back into it soon. We'll see. Thanks for all the comments and prayers--we love all of you! See you soon!
Love the car!!! I am glad you got something you like!
Love the new car! Thank goodness for Dads, right?! Hope you keep feeling better, too!
Dude that thing does look pretty sick!
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