Ok, so two weeks ago Kirksey had a spirit week were every day we had a dress up day!!! I kind of took it to heart and wanted to show my students how to have pride in your school. lol enjoy
MONDAY: Mis-match Day

TUESDAY: Superhero Day
Introducing Capt. SUB

WEDNESDAY: Hillbilly Day

THURSDAY: Colors Day

FRIDAY WAS JERSEY DAY but I can't find my picture. I wore my beloved DENVER BRONCO jersey. It is from like 1999. It was pretty awesome.
Needless to say my kids were so excited about what I would wear each day. I even had teachers and administrators come by my room to see what I was dressed like.
It was really fun and it kind of made me feel like a kid again. I have to give props to my father-in-law because he helped me create all of of my outfits. It was funny because he would get up every morning to take pictures for me since someone didn't want to wake up early while they were on vacation. :)
This is good stuff right here!!! lol
I'm totally diggin your Captain Sub costume! :)
I want Brian as my kids teacher. what can we do to switch him over to tucker???
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