Moses was so hot at the party that we thought a swim was in order! He got down behind my seat and the backseat. I guess he thought it was cooler there? Weirdo! He doesn't really like being wet and he has never swam. Last summer when we were at the lake we tried to get him to get in and he was not having it! So, I was interested to see if he would swim this time. He surprised us all!
He likes tight spaces!
Passed out!
Moses thinking about getting in!
Me trying to coax him in! Sasse just runs and jumps in! She loooovvvessss it!
He's in! =) Here is a video of it! There was this other really huge dog there that tried to attack Sasse! Brock had her and they were like knee deep in the water and the dog swam over to them and was looking crazy. The owners had to come over really quickly and get him b/c he was being so mean. It's a good thing it was Sasse and not Moses b/c she loves everybody and every dog so she just went with the flow!
1 comment:
Aww! My Zoe HATES the water and will not go near it! And, I have a great homemade dog treat recipe you guys might like to try! Let me know and I'll e-mail it to you! If Moses likes peanut butter, he'll love these treats! Miss you guys!
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