Thursday, January 31, 2008
My Rants Part TWO
Is it sleeting and snowing outside? YES. Are all the school districts closed? YES. Is the UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS OPEN? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Super Bowl Time!!!!

If you are reading this then you are invited to a Super Bowl Party at our house this Sunday! It starts at 5:30 but feel free to come by anytime after 4:30!!! If you think you might come then shoot me an email: so I can get the details figured out (food, drinks, etc.). We will probably do "bring your favorite dish" as usual! So just let me know! Have a great Thursday!!!
My Grandpa is a Celeb!!!!
I found out today that my grandpa, Maxie Docusen (aka "little duke") and my great uncle, Bernard Docusen (aka "big duke") are being inducted into the World Hall of Fame for Boxing in California in June 2008. This is a picture of them plus another brother. My grandpa is first, then my Uncle Bernard. Then there is another picture of my grandpa below this one, its actually on sale on Ebay! I think I might buy it! It seems that my Uncle got more publicity than my grandpa and has a whole "bio" online if you want to check it out:
Bernard actually fought Sugar Ray Robinson and lost in a decision. Pretty cool! Here are some facts about my grandpa:
~lightweight -class boxer, born on 11-15-1928
~Won 72 Fights , with 26 knockouts
~Lost 6 Fights, with 3 ending in a knockout
~Has forced a draw in 3 fights.
~Boxing stance: Orthodox
~Fight Reach/Arm Length: 31"
~Total Career Fights: 82
Its kinda cool to google your grandpa and see all this stuff come up! I dont' get to see him all that often and I sure do miss him and my Meme! Love you both!!! =)

Bernard actually fought Sugar Ray Robinson and lost in a decision. Pretty cool! Here are some facts about my grandpa:
~lightweight -class boxer, born on 11-15-1928
~Won 72 Fights , with 26 knockouts
~Lost 6 Fights, with 3 ending in a knockout
~Has forced a draw in 3 fights.
~Boxing stance: Orthodox
~Fight Reach/Arm Length: 31"
~Total Career Fights: 82
Its kinda cool to google your grandpa and see all this stuff come up! I dont' get to see him all that often and I sure do miss him and my Meme! Love you both!!! =)

Moses Loves Babies...=)
We went to dinner with V & C & A (haha) the other night and then they came over. Moses LOVED A!!! He would just sniff him and then start licking him and then A didn't know what to think about that! It was so funny! I think he got a little freaked out and started crying and mom had to pick him up and then Moses had a cow! He started whining and circling around like what did I do? Why can't the baby play anymore? It was so sweet! He was so gentle with him and was so curious! They were really cracking us up! Here is a pic of Moses sniffing and circling around him! Big ol' tail!!! haha! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My Rants
I wish someone would let the University know that it takes more than TEN GRAINS OF SALT to de-ice the parking lots and sidewalks. I was more than irate this morning when I pulled in to park in a sheet of ice parking lot and walk up the hill on a sheet of ice sidewalk. I don't mind coming in when the weather is nasty but a little SALT would be nice. (breath, breath).
Monday, January 21, 2008
A Weekend To Remember Conference
My awesome husband called in on the radio everyday and won us free registration and free accommodations ( 2 night stay at the Embassy Suites in Bentonville) to this marriage and family life conference the weekend of Valentines Day!! We are so pumped about it! I've never been to a marriage conference before and it will be wonderful to stay at the Embassy for 2 nights for free! Plus, their breakfast ROCKS!!!! The registration is usually $130 per person for the conference but you can get it for $89 per person through Keypoint Church. I know that is a lot of money but we have heard nothing but good things about this conference!
We had a wonderful day off of work/school today! Brian relaxed and cleaned the house (my hero) and ran some errands. I went to lunch at Olive Garden with Sabrina, Genessa, Lauren, Monica, and Stacy to celebrate Sabrina's birthday! We had a lot of fun eating lots of yummy food! Then I went up to the church to help decorate for ~Crowned~ this Friday night. The foyer looks amazing and we had a lot of fun doing it! If you haven't decided yet, you should definitely COME! It will be so much fun! I really really HOPE that it ices over tonight and they close the U of A tomorrow. Doubt it but I can always hope!!!!! Anyways, have a great night! =)
We had a wonderful day off of work/school today! Brian relaxed and cleaned the house (my hero) and ran some errands. I went to lunch at Olive Garden with Sabrina, Genessa, Lauren, Monica, and Stacy to celebrate Sabrina's birthday! We had a lot of fun eating lots of yummy food! Then I went up to the church to help decorate for ~Crowned~ this Friday night. The foyer looks amazing and we had a lot of fun doing it! If you haven't decided yet, you should definitely COME! It will be so much fun! I really really HOPE that it ices over tonight and they close the U of A tomorrow. Doubt it but I can always hope!!!!! Anyways, have a great night! =)
Saturday, January 19, 2008
New Car !!!!!
This is a picture of me and my first car back in my Senior year of High School. I'm not putting the close up on here b/c I have a mushroom head haircut!!! lol! Say goodbye to Mustang Sally!!!!

I'm too lazy to go outside in the 15 degree weather and take a picture!

Side View

Inside view
It was a little sad to see the Mustang go b/c it was my first car, it held lots of memories, and it was paid for!!! BUT, I hydroplaned on a regular basis, it was pushing 100,000 miles, electric seat didn't work anymore, electric locks worked sometimes, and the check engine light was permanently on. We found a good deal and went with it! I LOVE this new car, it has so much more room, smells all new and it only has 12,500 miles on it--it will last me forever! I feel like an official adult now b/c I have a four door!! =) Still can't picture any carseats in the back seat though....ha!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Getting Spammed
Hello all! Real quick--I have been getting spammed on here through comments so I have updated the security on comments, you will now have to verify and be approved--I tried to keep it simple but these people keep spamming my wonderful blog!!! booo!!!! Have a great Tuesday!!!! =)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
NO More Text Messaging
I just wanted to let everyone know that I have had text messaging taken off of my phone. I simply cannot resist the texting temptations....=( And we are too cheap right now to add it to the plan. So if you text me and I don't text's because I don't get them anymore! Sad sad Have a great Monday!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I think this is the first weekend in like a year where we have stayed at home both Friday night and Saturday night. It was amazing!!! =) I definitely couldn't do it every weekend or anything but it was nice this time! Brian had his Praxis II tests today, so he was gone from like 10:00 until about 4:00 taking tests all day. Gross! This is why I quit school =) So me and Moses hung out all day and did absolutely NOTHING. Ok, I did clean my house but that was about it! We did venture out to get some chinese food for dinner (we have been eating healthy for the last two weeks so I needed some real food). We have been eating LOTS of salad and fruit/veggies. It has been a lot harder than I thought it would. We mainly do chicken now. I don't like fish so that kind of limits me on stuff besides chicken. I did substitute turkey for ground beef this week in one recipe. And what really stinks is that I am a really picky veggie eater. I made this broccoli/spinach/rice casserole thing as a side dish and thought I was going to vomit after one bite. So, basically I like zucchine, squash, and peppers as veggies. Oh, I do LOVE corn but apparently, that is not a "real" vegetable. Absolutely NO beans, carrots, peas, broccoli, spinach, etc. GROSS ME OUT! So this is why it is so hard for me b/c all that stuff is so gross to me. So if anyone has any recipes for some good veggie sides, please send them my way. I can usually tolerate veggies in soups or casseroles, but that one side dish was just gross. I think its because it seriously just had spinach, broccoli, rice, and some seasonings, no cheese or anything. Basically what I'm saying is that I only like veggies once they are fattened up!!! HA! So it has been hard but good, because I have seen good results! My husband has been a great encourager and has jumped right on board with me to healthy eating! Anyways, enough about that. If you live in Fayetteville and are craving some chinese food, Hunan Manor off of Wedington is very good. They are cheaper than Madame Woo's (which we love) and they have a buffet that is actually really good. I usually hate buffets because the food is cold and has been sitting there forever and is gross. But they do a good job at this place to keep the food hot and fresh. I was impressed. And it was a good price! Well, this was a pretty random boring post so I will keep you no longer! Have an awesome Sunday and be blessed!! =)
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
New Nephew
We found out last night that Shonda and David (Brian's sister and her husband) are going to be having a boy this time around! We are so excited for them! We already have the cutest niece ever, Alivia, she will be a great big sis! Congratulations guys!!!

Monday, January 07, 2008
Things Are Getting Crazy....
My coworkers and I have decided that every semester, people (aka. students and parents) seem to get more hateful and rude. Especially on the phone. For example, this is one of the first phone calls I received this morning:

Me: "Good morning, student accounts, this is Michelle, can I help you?"
Student: "I need to find out where my refund check will be sent to me at?"
Me: "Okay, can I have your student account number?"
Student: (exasperated and annoyed) " you really need that from me right now?"
Me: (what I wish I could say) " yea, genius, if you want me to look up your account then I need the stinkin' account number".
Me: (what I really said through clenched teeth--b/c after all, she did call ME for HELP) "Yes, I will need the account number to answer your question."
Student: "Fine, hold on."
She's gone for a couple of minutes. Comes back finally and gives me the account number and we are done in 10 seconds. I just love that she calls me for help, gets annoyed that i ask for her account number and then puts ME on HOLD. lol, I did have to laugh at that one. Trust me, that is one of the MINOR rude calls so far. And it's only Monday. I think that is why we keep lots of chocolate on hand during working hours. Anyways, at least I have a job and I like the people I work with---thats the upside! Here are some cute pics of Moses and his girlfriend, Sasse =)

Saturday, January 05, 2008
New Years in Chicago!!!
Brian and I went with our friends, Tommy and Amber to Chicago for 4 days, including New Years Eve and Day. It was an awesome vacation and we had a blast
At the comedy show.
In the hotel lobby
I think this one speaks for itself!
Best Hot Dogs Ever--Chicago Style, I love the skylines int he back!
Navy Pier has a lot to offer!
Pizza Chicago Style--Stuffed!!!

We also saw I Am Legend in the IMAX--freaked me out! We went to the Shedd Aquarium, The Natural History Museum, and on a 2-hour tour of the City. We tried this fabulous restuarant called The Big Bowl (thai and chinese), ate popcorn chicago style and had some awesome fudge (yes, we ate a lot!) but we also WALKED A LOT in the FREEZING cold. The comedy show was hilarious (and family friendly) , our hotel was great and we did some good window-shopping on the Magnificent Mile. If you've never been, you should go!! Lots to see and Lots to eat! =)
Thanksgiving Pics--Better late than never!
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