Me: "Good morning, student accounts, this is Michelle, can I help you?"
Student: "I need to find out where my refund check will be sent to me at?"
Me: "Okay, can I have your student account number?"
Student: (exasperated and annoyed) " you really need that from me right now?"
Me: (what I wish I could say) " yea, genius, if you want me to look up your account then I need the stinkin' account number".
Me: (what I really said through clenched teeth--b/c after all, she did call ME for HELP) "Yes, I will need the account number to answer your question."
Student: "Fine, hold on."
She's gone for a couple of minutes. Comes back finally and gives me the account number and we are done in 10 seconds. I just love that she calls me for help, gets annoyed that i ask for her account number and then puts ME on HOLD. lol, I did have to laugh at that one. Trust me, that is one of the MINOR rude calls so far. And it's only Monday. I think that is why we keep lots of chocolate on hand during working hours. Anyways, at least I have a job and I like the people I work with---thats the upside! Here are some cute pics of Moses and his girlfriend, Sasse =)

1 comment:
I can't stand rude people!! I used to be rude are much nicer than me! :)
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